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Best Foods to Eat During Pregnancy

A nourishing and balanced diet is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Pregnancy puts extra demand for certain nutrients such as calcium, protein, folic acid, Iron, Iodine and others to support the developing fetus. Eating nutrient-rich foods during pregnancy is critical for the healthy development of the baby and avoid problems such as birth defects or low birth weight. Pregnant women do not need to go on a special diet; however, they need to eat more varieties of foods to derive the right amount of nutrition that the body needs.


Choosing the Best Foods for Pregnancy 

While expanding the diet to increase varieties of nutrient sources is recommended, it is not mandatory on a daily basis. Women also do not need to eat twice as much as before. The key is to manage the portions consumed and avoid foods that are highly processed or contain excess sugar and salts. The pregnancy diet plan should include the following foods:


Fruits and Vegetables 

Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals, along with fiber that is needed by the body. Therefore, it is good to add as many colorful fruits to the diet as possible. The servings should include citrus fruits, bananas, apples, pomegranates, pears, grapes, avocados and dry fruits. In addition, vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, sweet potatoes and other salad greens are good choices. At least 5 portions of fruit and vegetable servings a day are necessary to meet the daily requirements of some of the essential nutrients.



Proteins need to make up the bulk of the pregnancy diet menu as they are essential for the development of the fetus and provide sufficient energy for the body. Good sources of high-quality protein include eggs, lean meats such as poultry and fish, milk and yoghurt. Vegetarian sources include pulses, beans, nuts, chickpeas and lentils. Vegetarians who rely on plant protein sources will also have to consume Vitamin B12 supplements to make up for the lack of the vitamin in the diet.



Carbohydrates from whole grains such as whole-wheat bread, cereals, oatmeal and brown rice should form the bulk of the meal as they are the primary sources of energy throughout the day. Starchy sources such as sweet potatoes, cornmeal, maize, millets and yams also make for filling meals without giving too many calories.



Dairy foods are a rich source of calcium, protein and fats that the body needs. When consumed in moderate quantities, low-fat milk and yoghurt do not add to unnecessary calories but provide the necessary calcium needed for bone development in the fetus. All dairy products must be pasteurized to stay within safety limits.


Healthy Fats

Healthy fats are essential for the development of the brain and the eyes in the baby; therefore, they are essential to a good diet in pregnancy. Healthy fats can be consumed from sources such as nuts, avocados, oily fish once a week, and plant oils such as olive and canola oil.


To Wrap Up

The pregnancy food tips discussed above talk about the broad range of foods sources that need to be included for a healthy diet during pregnancy. However, it is important not to add any new food items into the diet without testing for allergies. When in doubt, it is ideal to consult a doctor for advice.