How to Boost Fertility in Women

Several factors affect fertility in women, such as age, environment, genetics, lifestyle choices, and overall physical and mental health. While there is not much that can be done to control fertility problems brought about by age and genetics, the remaining factors can be directed to boost fertility in females. Women who are having a hard time getting pregnant can change their lifestyles to improve their chances of conception. This article discusses the most natural ways to increase fertility.

1. Reducing stress
Stress can significantly affect fertility in women. A study that assessed biomarkers for stress such as cortisol and alpha-amylase found that elevated alpha-amylase levels were negatively associated with women’s chances of conceiving naturally. Engaging in activities that reduce stress can increase fertility in women trying to conceive. For example, women who receive counseling and support for stress-related conditions such as depression and anxiety can improve their fertility than women who don’t receive counseling.

2. Maintaining a healthy weight
Maintaining a healthy weight is vital to improving fertility as being overweight or underweight can both reduce fertility in women. Research suggests that being obese disrupts some of the reproductive processes involved in the quality of fertilization and the development of the embryo. Therefore losing weight can help women increase their fertility by overcoming some of the difficulties of obesity. It is also supported by a systematic review that suggests that women who lose weight have better outcomes concerning their fertility treatments. Being underweight can lower fertility through a higher risk of ovarian dysfunction. It also increases the risk of preterm birth.

3. Exercise
Being physically active and getting adequate amounts of exercise improves women’s overall health and gives a boost to fertility. Even moderate levels of exercise have shown to have positive effects on fertility in women. While regular exercise is found by one study to delay menopause, it should be done cautiously, as strenuous exercise coupled with an inadequate intake of calories and nutrients can decrease fertility by disrupting the menstrual cycles.

4. Quit Smoking
Smoking cigarettes is known to cause infertility in women along with elevated risk of a number of diseases. One meta-analysis shows that that smoking tobacco leads to an earlier onset of menopause in women. Therefore quitting smoking can have a positive effect on women fertility period.

5. Healthy Diet
A healthy and balanced diet is essential to maintaining proper bodily functions. According to a study,
Foods that boost fertility in women include:
● Higher monosaturated fats in their diet instead of Trans fats
● Carbohydrates that have a low glycemic index
● High-fat dairy products
● Protein from vegetable rather than animal sources
● Multivitamins and other supplements.
Although women’s fertility age and genetics cannot be controlled, fertility in women can be boosted by making specific lifestyle changes. Staying on a healthy diet, exercising regularly, maintaining a healthy weight, reducing stress, and quitting smoking can all contribute to boosting fertility.