...muscles Maintaining the heart’s rhythm Hormone secretion Maintaining strong bones and teeth Calcium is critical to the healthy development of the fetus to form the rigid structures of the body,...
...the heart, blood vessels, bones and muscles. The innermost layer called the endoderm will develop into the digestive and respiratory systems. The blastocyst also has an outer layer called chorionic...
...oxygen and nutrients from the blood. The heart is also developing and beating at a rate of 150-180 beats per minute. Women are still learning to settle in as they...
...the baby’s body or neck. Fetal distress: The baby might develop an irregular heart rate, or it can no longer tolerate the labor. What is the procedure of a C-section?...
...picked up in the form of brain waves. The heart now has 4 chambers and beats rapidly, close to 180 beats per second. The fetus’s limbs have also formed with...
...also swallows the amniotic fluid and practices breathing movements. The digestive system is also starting to function to practice for birth. The heartbeat of the fetus is also strong and...
...check for normal development of the fetus. The scan checks for a range of parameters such as the fetal size and physical features such as the brain, heart, spine and...