Worst Food During Pregnancy

Pregnant women need to increase their intake of calories and other essential nutrients to support the developing fetus. It is also important that they stay clear of foods and drinks that are known to cause harm during pregnancy. Sources that are generally a low-risk category can turn into some of the worst foods during pregnancy. Here is a list of what to look out for:


Fishes high in Mercury 

Mercury is a highly toxic metal, the concentration of which has steadily increased over the decades in rivers, lakes and ocean due to pollution. Exposure to mercury leads to damage to the nervous system and developmental problems in children. Since there no safe level of exposure to the toxin, fish that tend to have high mercury, such as king mackerel, tuna, marlin, swordfish and sharks, pregnancy foods to avoid.  They can be replaced with low mercury fished such as salmon, freshwater trout, haddock, cod and anchovies. Three servings a week of the low mercury fish is within the safe limits, according to the FDA.


Raw, undercooked or processed meats

Eating raw or undercooked meats increases the risk of infections from many different types of bacteria, viruses and parasites. For example, raw fish from sources such as sushi and shellfish carry the risk of infections such as Vibrio, Listeria, Salmonella and norovirus. Undercooked and processed meats also expose pregnant women to Toxoplasmosis and E. coli infections.


Organ Meats

Although organ meats are a great source of nutrients such as vitamin B12, iron, zinc, vitamin A, copper and selenium, animal sources of these nutrients is best avoided. Vitamin A from animal sources is not recommended during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, as it can lead to birth defects and miscarriage.


Raw Sprouts

Raw sprouts similar to raw meats can be contaminated with bacteria such as salmonella and other rogue ingredients. Cooking the sprouts thoroughly eliminates the risk of bacterial and parasitic infections.


Improperly washed fruits and vegetables.

Unwashed or improperly washes fruits and vegetables can contain bacteria, eggs of parasites and pesticides that can be harmful. The risk is higher when eating salads or other preparations with raw produce in restaurants that may not be washed thoroughly. Toxoplasmosis, E. coli and salmonella infections are common with improperly washed produce are consumed.


Unpasteurized dairy products 

Raw milk and cheese made from unpasteurized milk can contain a lot of different harmful bacteria, which can cause serious infections that can be life-threatening to the unborn baby. Therefore, all dairy products consumed by pregnant women must be made with pasteurized milk.


Junk Foods 

Highly processed junk foods contain very little nutrients and a lot of sugars and Trans-fats. Therefore, these foods can contribute to weight gain and increase the risk of gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes carries with it more complications for the mother and the baby. Therefore junk foods rank high among pregnancy foods not to eat.



When it comes to foods to avoid during pregnancy, women should stay away from raw meats and produce to stay safe from bacterial and parasitic infections. It is also important to cut down on junk foods to avoid excess calorie intake.